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功德山以利益一切廣大有情眾生為弘法志業。秉承 南無本師釋迦牟尼佛之教法為根基,專修 觀世音菩薩之大悲菩提法門,重法實修,行菩薩道,弘揚大乘經典,持誦《大悲咒》不斷迴向《大悲咒水》廣利十方濟度一切眾生,殊勝難計。
Gondesan Temple is committed to propagating Buddhism to benefit all sentient beings. Strictly abiding to the teaching of Buddha, practicing as a Bodhisattva, practices Avalokiteshvara’s Path of Bodhisattvahood and cultivating Bodhicitta, propagating scripts of Mahayana Buddhism, recite The Great Compassion Mantra and continuously transfer the merit to benefit all beings from the ten directions.
功德山《大悲咒水》遍佈世界各角落,ㄧ切眾生都能霑著受到利益,共同落實觀世音菩薩大慈大悲的精神! 各種急難救濟、社會公益慈善 、國際佛法研修交流、多元施教契入佛法真理,長養信眾無量的慈悲與智慧、啟發ㄧ切眾生菩提心。
Gondesan’s Great Compassion Mantra Water has been sprinkled everywhere, all beings coming into contact with the water will be benefited, practicing the great compassion spirit of Avalokiteshvara all together. Various relief aid, charitable activities to the society, international buddhism research and communication, practice different teaching methods to help disciples understand the Dharma truth, nurture their compassion and wisdom, help all beings to cultivate their Bodhicitta.
Gondesan Temple and its branches worldwide are committed to be the home base for all sentient being’s Buddha-mind, practice and utilize Dharma in our world, taking a deeper root in the hearts of all and purify society! Also pray for world peace, for wealth, peace and happiness to all human beings. Our principles and aims are as follows:
Propagate Buddhism, purifies humanity.
Help and benefit all sentient beings with Great Compassion Mantra Water, extinguish all evil and cultivating goodness
Sprinkle and supply Great Compassion Mantra Water free of charge worldwide, for land’s and society’s peace, for the country’s prosperity, for all being’s soul and body’s purification.
Print the book of the Great Compassion Heart Dharani Sutra, Great Compassion Mantra,The Omnipresent Gateway of Avalokitesvara and various Buddhist scriptures, the disc of the recordings of all kinds of promoting Buddhism and benefit all sentient beings activities held by Gondesan Temple, propagating the power of Avalokiteshvara’s compassionate vow.
Assist in promoting various charitable social and cultural events.
Organize and hold Buddhism study lectures and events.
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